Comprehensive Auto Injury Care in Jacksonville, FL, When You Need it Most

No one ever wants to experience a car accident, but the truth is that stepping behind the wheel of a car poses one of the greatest daily risks for most of us. When the unexpected occurs, life comes to a sudden standstill, and questions start flooding your mind: What should I do now? Is everyone safe? Should I go to the ER or see my regular doctor? The fear and uncertainty can be overwhelming. Whether you're at fault or not, we're here to help. My Caring Chiro collaborates with the auto injury specialists at Injury Care Centers to offer you comprehensive care. Together, we'll create a personalized treatment plan designed to support your holistic recovery.

What You Should Know About Car Accidents

Know your Car Insurance Limits in Jacksonville, Fl

Seek medical treatment immediately after an auto accident in Jacksonville, FL

Add-on policies provide a safety net for car accident injuries in Jacksonville, FL

How we serve as an emergency room alternative in Jacksonville, FL

A medical narrative report is VITAL after an auto accident in Jacksonville, FL

Contact us NOW!

Call 904-783-0008


My Caring Chiro isn’t just a personal injury facility. We focus on providing comprehensive treatment therapies that encompass the entire body and include injuries to shoulders, knees, wrist, whiplash, back and neck pain and headaches. Diagnostics play a crucial role in chiropractic care as they provide valuable insights into the underlying causes of your pain or condition. By utilizing various diagnostic tools and techniques, we gather essential information to develop an accurate diagnosis and design an effective treatment plan.

An ER Alternative

It takes just seconds for a car accident to change your life. And it happens every day. That’s why it is important to get an immediate, thorough medical evaluation. We understand that personal injuries can cause a range of physical and emotional discomfort, and our goal is to provide comprehensive care to address your specific needs.
If your injury is not life-threatening, visiting an ER after your accident can be unnecessarily expensive, and your benefits may be exhausted after just one visit. Unlike an ER, there’s no waiting at our clinics. Our personal injury physicians see you immediately, conduct a complete analysis of your medical situation and treat your specific complaints and injuries that result from personal injury incidents.

Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

If you're injured in an auto accident, you must see a doctor within 14 days, or you waive all rights to your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) benefits. There are no exceptions to this rule. Our doctors are not only trained in treating patients of car accidents, but we are also experts at ensuring our injured patients receive their full insurance benefits, including PIP.

We can assist you with your documentation for PIP for lost wages, medical reimbursement, household duties and travel expenses. We will document your complaints, condition and treatment history. Our physicians then prepare an Injury Evaluation Report that details your injuries, the results of your diagnostic testing and your long-term medical outlook and care, along with a prognosis of your future medical costs.